Sunday, May 5, 2013


May 4th & 5th Jeré & Rick took a drive up Mary Ann Creek and were pleasantly surprised by what we found—see the Exploration Page.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Harris has posted a new contribution: What does it mean to live in a watershed? Go to the Voices Page to view this post.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Don't Blink Walking Tour, April 27, 2013

The Chesaw Tavern is open at 8 am for Breakfast.

The Chesaw Store is open at 8 am.

The Chesaw Mercantile is open at 9 am.

Fiona is open at 10 am.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Now! I've got it...

Great to join you all.  Details amok, I finally got my identity to go onto the BLOG.

I'm looking forward to some story telling, as I love to describe what I've discovered as story.  So look for me (after the 21st of April) on the Creative Works page.   May the Green World survive.     ~Jere
Welcome to all of us Myers Creek watershed folks. This is so exciting. May this blog help us enjoy and understand our watershed and keep it a home for us humans and the other beings living here.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

As the albedo changes on the landscape, 
charging slowly the watershed beneath the warming Earth, 
and bringing forth a lush greenery, 
we are bringing to life our Myers Creek Watershed Explorers blog 
to share our insights—narratives, poetry, musical voices, 
visual windows of paintings, sketches, stills and video—you name it. 

May the energies of Spring's awakenings fill you all with inspiration. onWelcome!
If you haven't viewed the pages on Chesaw Wild yet, 
take a look at our Mission, Events, Photos and Creative Works pages, 
as we are getting items up slowly and need to have you bloggers 
and Myers Creek Watershed Explorers contribute pictures, videos, narratives, 
voices, maps, and activities in your part of the watershed.